プロバイダがカスタム追加サービスを提供するように Plesk を構成した場合は、ホスティングプランのプロパティに[追加サービス]タブが表示されます。このタブで、契約者に提供するサービスを選択できます。
プロバイダがカスタム追加サービスを提供するように Plesk を構成した場合は、ホスティングプランのプロパティに[追加サービス]タブが表示されます。このタブで、契約者に提供するサービスを選択できます。
SiteCake is a drag and drop CMS for simple websites. It lets you publish the content just by dragging it to your web page. It's CMS for static websites, with few pages only, to cover the niche below WordPress level of complexity.
SiteCake HostingXoops is an easy to use dynamic web content management system written in PHP.
XOOPS HostingSilverStripe CMS is an open source web content management system used by governments, businesses, and non-profit organisations around the world. It is a power tool for professional web development teams, and web content authors rave about how easy it is to use.
SilverStripe HostingTextpattern is a web application designed to help overcome the hurdles to publishing online, and to simplify the production of well-structured, standards-compliant web pages.
Textpattern HostingJsPHP is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to make the PHP application programming interface (API) available in JavaScript environments.
JsPHP HostingDotclear is an open-source web publishing software created in 2002 by Olivier Meunier. A one man's project at first, Dotclear soon gathered a team comprising different personalities with various backgrounds.
Dotclear HostingOpenKM is a Free/Libre document management system that provides a web interface for managing arbitrary files.
OpenKM HostingOpenCms is an open source content management system written in Java.
OpenCms HostingOpenWGA is Web Content Management computer software running on the Java Enterprise Edition Platform.
OpenWGA HostingJSP Hosting on Linux Servers.
JSP HostingeXo Platform is an open source, standard-based, Enterprise Social Collaboration Platform written in Java.
eXo Platform HostingSmartClient is set of mobile and cross-browser HTML5 UI components combined with a Java-based Ajax framework, created by Isomorphic Software to build business web applications.
SmartClient HostingTomcat Hosting on Linux Servers.
Tomcat HostingXWiki is a free wiki software platform written in Java with a design emphasis on extensibility.
XWiki HostingAdult Java Hosting packages on Linux Servers.
Adult Java Hosting